Floating Residency 2019


Floating Artists in Residence


The 2019 cohort of artists who joined the inaugural Village Canoe Floating Residency program were an incredible ten human beings. Chosen from an open call application in the winter, these artists traveled from within Maine, down to Virginia, and as far as the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. Following the 10 day expedition from Penobscot River to Penobscot Bay, the artists produced work that exhibited in late September on the waterfront in Belfast, Maine. The three-day exhibition ran in tandem with a two-month-long retrospective exhibition of photographs from the expedition inside the Corridor Gallery at community art center Waterfall Arts.


2019 Artists:

Ali Reid

Willow Cordes-Eklund

Sam Costello

Chloe DuBois

Alex Hackett

Amanda Kidd-Schall

Matea Mills-Andruk

Gabby Schulz

Paige Speight

Brian Wasser


Canoe Expedition



The Daily


Day 01: Nibezun

23 AUG 2019

The residency began with our first night together at Nibezun, just 80+ acres of sacred and protected Wabanaki land just fifteen minutes north of Old Town, and on the banks of the Penobscot River. We had Jennie Hahn from Open Waters/ In Kinship and Stan Neptune, caretaker of the property, as well as artists’ friends and family join us for dinner and introductions.


From Bangor…

24 AUG 2019

The canoe expedition launched from the Penobscot Salmon Club across the Penobscot River from Bangor. We embarked with two 30’ war canoes — generously provided by the Penobscot Riverkeepers organization — alongside the Natural Resources Council and Penobscot River Paddling Trail nonprofits on August 24, 2019.


Day 02: Orrington

24 AUG 2019

Bangor/Brewer - Orrington

Our first night camping on the Penobscot River put us on the banks somewhere in Orrington, on the left-bank descending. This location will become one of the planned sites for the Penobscot River Paddling Trail in the future.


Day 03: Porcupine Island

25 AUG 2019

Orrington - Bucksport - Porcupine Island (Penobscot River)

We only had two nights camping on the Penobscot River before making our way out to sea, and Porcupine Island on the Maine Island Trail provided us a wonderful site for our last night on the river.


Day 04: Ram Island

26 AUG 2019

Porcupine Island (Penobscot River) - Wadsworth Cove - Ram Island

Our first night camping on an island in Penobscot Bay and without our Maine Guide.


Day 05: Cape Rosier

27 AUG 2019

Ram Island - Harborside - Cape Rosier/Bakeman Cove

An adrenaline-filled paddling day, we began on Ram Island, had lunch at The Good Life Center in Harborside, and battled afternoon winds at the SW exposure of Cape Rosier to put us in the tranquility of Bakeman Cove for an impromptu camp just behind the sand beach.


Day 06: Pond Island

28 AUG 2019

Cape Rosier/Bakeman Cove - Pond Island

Pre-dawn expedition wake-up ensured glassy conditions and an easy paddle across from Cape Rosier to Pond Island, an island maintained by the Maine Coast Heritage Trust and on the Maine Island Trail. We would stay put for our first two-night overnight on the island.


Day 07: Pond Island

29 AUG 2019

Pond Island

Second day camping on and exploring around Pond Island. This built-in second day allowed for the necessary time and space for artists to slow down, explore, make work, and more.


Day 08: Hog Island

30 AUG 2019

Pond Island - Eggemoggin Reach - Deer Isle - Hog Island

The longest paddling day yet - 18 miles - saw our outfit waking before dawn on Pond Island to paddle through the Eggemoggin Reach, stop for re-supply on Little Deer Isle, and paddle through headwinds and afternoon chop to arrive at the final destination: Hog Island.


Day 09: Hog Island

31 AUG 2019

Hog Island

The full day on Hog Island saw artists exploring, circumnavigating, swimming, talking, and more.


Day 10: Brooklin

1 SEPT 2019

Hog Island - Brooklin

We spent a leisurely morning on Hog Island to ease out of the expedition—mindful of the tides—and because the short afternoon paddle across the Eggemoggin Reach to our final destination at the WoodenBoat School would be a nice, easy paddle.


…to Brooklin

1 SEPT 2019

The Village Canoe Floating Residency completed its inaugural journey at the WoodenBoat School in Brooklin, Maine to a small but humble welcome committee of friends and family, accompanied by potluck food and drink to celebrate the artists’ return. Artists would now have nearly four weeks to make work (inspired by and/or during the 10-day residency experience) and exhibit as a group in the outdoor pop-up gallery space on the Belfast waterfront at the end of September.




“The Village Canoe: Merging Art and Environment”

Producer/host Tressa Versteeg brings to life the Village Canoe with stories and interviews from the inaugural expedition, as well as a behind-the-scenes interview with its creator. Aired 9/23/19 on WERU FM.



Journalist Abigail Curtis profiles the Village Canoe and discusses some of the project’s origins in the Bangor Daily News. Published 8/24/29.


Outdoor Art Exhibition

Location: Heritage Park, Belfast, ME


This video tour was made to honor and celebrate the work and achievement of the 10 artists who participated in the first-ever Village Canoe Floating Residency. This wouldn’t have been possible without the eye and talent of filmmaker Wilder Nicholson, and the additional opening night reception footage from Brian Kimble. Aerial footage, residency footage, and video editing by Chris Battaglia. Music by Brian Wasser.


DAY 1: 27 SEPT 2019



The Village Canoe partnered with Waterfall Arts, The City of Belfast Parks and Recreation, and the Belfast Police Department to host a free community parade. We invited all to participate by joining us at the opening of “Confluence” at Waterfall Arts, forming into a parade led by puppeteer, performer, community organizer, and Village Canoe AiR Willow WildHeart. Belfast Police Department blocked traffic at the intersection of Main and High Streets, and ushered us down to the waterfront, where we assembled in Heritage Park for the opening reception, artist introductions, and dance performance. Afterparty hosted by local bar and restaurant Perennial Cider Bar + Farm Kitchen for artists, friends, and families in attendance.


DAY 2: 28 SEPT 2019

PANEL DISCUSSION + Cowboy Coffee with the Artists and Maine Guides/naturalists and orgs

Personnel Included:

Moderator - Nina Noah (The Apprenticeshop)

Panel Guests - Alejandro Strong (Apeiron Expeditions); Nancy Zane (North Star Adventures); Cloe Chunn and David Thanhauser (Penobscot River Paddling Trail)

The Village Canoe Artists-in-Residence

For a recording of the panel discussion, click here. (coming soon!)



Choreography - Matea Mills-Andruk

Performers - Paige Speight, Brian Wasser, Matea Mills-Andruk

Watch the performance here, video documentation courtesy of Wilder Nicholson/Common Hearth Film. (coming soon!)


Community Worksongs Chorus Workshop for Traditional Voyageur Paddling Songs

A free, public workshop led by Bennett Konesni and the Community Worksongs Chorus. The group explored traditional Québécois/voyageur paddling worksongs, in addition to writing a paddling song on the spot for the Village Canoe.

To experience the community worksongs workshop, click here. (coming soon!)



Instruction and demonstration led by Village Canoe collaborator and boatbuilder João Bentes (Break the Anchor).



Demonstration and materials courtesy of Paul Fanelli of Fanelli Boatworks.

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Our Partners & Supporters


These individuals, organizations, farms, and friends who helped float our expedition by donating gear or food to nourish and outfit our inaugural residency: we couldn’t have done it without you!



Apeiron Expeditions

Hurricane Island Outward Bound School

Maine Sport Outfitters

North Star Expeditions

Penobscot Riverkeepers

Vertical Bay



These businesses, organizations, municipal agencies, and the people behind them ensured we had materials, channels for promotions, safety and proper permitting for the exhibition. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Viking Lumber

Waterfall Arts

The City of Belfast Parks and Recreation

The City of Belfast Police Department

Worksongs Community Chorus

Fanelli Boatworks

Penobscot River Paddling Trial

The Apprenticeshop

Village-Canoe-04838 copy.jpg


Amanda Battaglia

Debbie Battaglia

Rich Battaglia

João Bentes

Matthew Bowles

Dan Greeley

Kevin Johnson

Bennett Konesni

Tom Martinelli

Eileen Moscoso

Norm Poirier

Chris Porter

Judy Porter

Garrett Solomon

Alejandro Strong

Kate Sweater

Tressa Versteeg


Support for The Village Canoe was initially provided by The Kindling Fund, a grant program administered by SPACE as part of the Andy Warhol Foundation For The Visual Arts Regional Regranting Network; the Generations Fund, administered by the Maine Community Foundation; and the Belvedere Traditional Handcraft Fund also administered by the Maine Community Foundation.

Additional project support and materials provided by Break The Anchor, a Portugese CRL (non-profit) that aims to bring traditional boat-building back to Portugal by first building a traditional sailing sardine carrier: the Canoa de Picada.

Thank you to Waterfall Arts, partnering with The Village Canoe to bring to life an immersive show in their Hallway Corridor from September - November, and the Belfast Creative Coalition for your continued collaboration, and community-driven engagement with the arts.

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