Artist Chloe DuBois at camp on Porcupine Island during the 2019 Penobscot River Floating Residency. Photo: Chris Battaglia
Inspired by an expedition on the Lower Mississippi River in 2017, The Village Canoe is borne of the experiences and people met across seven weeks immersed in the outdoors. Paddling in one vessel and camping every day became pared-down, fundamental expressions of the many dimensions of everyday life.
This unique venue of “floating artist residency” holds space for 6-10 participants — chosen through an open-call application — and one registered Maine guide to paddle and camp “expedition style” for 7-10 days. The route navigates the Lower Penobscot River, a tidal section coursing from Bangor and flows outward, to the Maine coastline, and finishing in Brooklin.
By fostering an interdisciplinary cohort of participants, The Village Canoe aims to become an accessible opportunity for new creative voices, both emerging artists and established career artists.
(Village Canoe Remote Residency Kit)
Half-Day Residency
(Midcoast Maine)
Village Canoe Floating Artist Residency