This residency model exists to provide you, the participant, with some framework for exploring the intersection of art and the outdoors through your chosen means of boating in a human-powered craft.
Bring along with you something to write in, and take a few minutes to write down or sketch some of your thoughts about the experience as they come to mind. This is for your own record-keeping, but we’ve found that making note of the simple facts helps to paint a more complete memory later (time, weather, water conditions, etc), and it helps to jot down unique sightings (flora, fauna, etc).
Please fill out the residency information form below:
Click here to see past participants.
*This open-source residency kit is inspired by, and modeled after artist Lenka Clayton’s project Artist Residency in Motherhood, and was conceived in collaboration with artist Harrell Fletcher over several months in 2020.