Remote Residency: Anie Toole
Artist Anie Toole takes herself on a remote residency using the VCRRKIT in Quebec, Canada! This is rather exciting. A quote from Toole:
I left with quite a few ideas and paths to try out in the upcoming weeks. Thanks for providing the framework!
Images she provided from her trip. I hope this inspires you to take yourself out.

Name: Anie Toole
Website (if applicable):
Where do you live?: Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Residency date: 9/22/2021
Residency location: Lake Saint-Charles
Residency timeframe: Half-day, approximately 10:00-13:00
Residency vessel: An inflatable paddle board that is slightly wider and shorter than my usual touring paddleboard. I am choosing this board so that I can sit, float and work with clay. I will also be less tempted to just paddle fast and hard and not take time to reflect if I take a board that isn't as fast. However, I will still take a good light paddle.
Residency food/drink: To be determined. Likely Chai tea, water and some snacks. UPDATED: A version of Penland lemonade - warm, a pear and spicy rosemary nut mix made last weekend
Describe your current art practice.: I am a weaver and natural dyer who also works with printmaking, sound and clay. Language, notation and domesticity are frequent themes in my work.
Why are you participating in this residency?: I have a tendency to multitask, for example, an artist residency/exercise time/outdoor time/me time/rest time. I am trying to slow down, do only one thing at a time. Equinox is a perfect day to reflect on what I want in the upcoming seasons.
During this floating residency, I will explore shapes in clay, determine new shapes for wheel throwing and spend time hand building. I will be making small prototypes. They may all get squished as I carry the box and my board back to my car, but that is ok.